The vast majority of ERS students eat their lunch at school with their classmates.
At 12:00pm, Grades 1 - 4 children eat their lunch in their classrooms. At 12:20pm they go outside to recess or supervised activities. They are supervised by paid Lunch Hour Supervisors during this period. If parents wish to take their children out for lunch, they are asked to pick up their children at the office. Lunch break for Kindergarten full day students begins at 11:15am.
In order to ensure that all children will enjoy a relaxing and pleasant lunch experience, our rules of conduct apply:
- Treat others with kindness and respect
- Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself
- Follow directions the first time
- Smooth movement in the hallways
- Use courteous language
During lunchtime, students are expected to:
- Remain in their seats
- Use a quiet voice
- Eat their own food
- Use good table manners
- Clean up their eating space
- Wait to be dismissed
- Respect their Lunch Supervisor
Activities or behaviour which endangers the safety of students and/or staff, which infringes on the rights of others, or which shows disrespect to students, teachers, staff members, or school/personal property will not be tolerated.